DPE reform: What changes in July 2024

The Energy Performance Diagnosis (DPE) is a tool for assessing the energy performance of housing in France. Recently, the government announced a reform concerning small spaces, thus responding to a specific problem linked to the evaluation criteria for housing of less than 40 m². From July 1, 2024, real estate of less than 40 m² will be subject to a new modulation coefficient for calculating the DPE classification. Here is a complete update on this reform and its implications for landlords.

Photo of the interior of an apartment with a pictogram of the DPE classification

Context and objectives of the reform

The DPE, mandatory when renting or selling real estate, classifies housing on a scale from A to G, according to their energy performance. Poorly classified accommodation, often called "thermal sieves", are gradually prohibited from renting: accommodation classified G from January 2025, accommodation classified F in January 2028, and those classified E in January 2034.

As a reminder, the DPE is now based on the so-called 3CL method, which considers various factors such as the ambient temperature, the thickness of the glazing, the surface area of the accommodation, and the heating system. This method highlighted a particular problem for small areas: these homes are often penalized by the consumption of domestic hot water relative to m², unfairly classifying them in low energy categories.

Changes made by the reform

To remedy this situation, a new decree, applicable from July 1, 2024, introduces a correction coefficient for housing less than 40 m². This coefficient makes it possible to recalculate the DPE of these small areas in a more equitable manner, potentially earning them a letter in the ranking. For example, the negative impact of the domestic hot water tank on the energy rating will now be reduced.

Owners of small areas who have already carried out their DPE since July 1, 2021 will be able to recalculate their energy label via an already approved online simulation platform, ADEME.

Why that reform?

The reform aims to give more time to investor owners to carry out the necessary energy renovation work. It also makes it possible to keep these small spaces on the rental market for longer.

Owners will benefit from a reprieve to improve the energy performance of their properties and avoid a premature rental ban. Tenants, for their part, will be able to access better energy-rated housing, ensuring a better quality of life and potentially reduced energy bills.


This reform of the DPE for small surfaces is a welcome measure for many landlords. It corrects an assessment deemed unfair and offers additional time for carrying out energy renovation work. The owners concerned must prepare to recalculate their DPE as soon as the reform comes into force in July 2024 to benefit from this new provision.


In this continuity, Junot Rental & Management is opening its works department to support owners in organizing and carrying out the work necessary for energy renovation.



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